Manjeet Ranu
Acting Director - Planning and Building Department, City of Encinitas, CA
Encinitas, CA
Manjeet Ranu has practiced in both the private and public sectors in the San Diego region, and the public sector in the Denver area. He is a member of the ULI San Diego-Tijuana Revitalization and Reuse Local Product Council. Ranu was recently recognized by the City of San Diego Mayor and Council for his contributions in facilitating high quality development as a community leader. His diverse professional and community perspectives enabled achievement of numerous challenging projects in a collaborative manner.
Recently, his work allowed the San Diego coastal suburb of Encinitas to update its housing policy, planning and development programs through a comprehensive project called At Home in Encinitas. Additionally, he has collaboratively led the transformation of the Encinitas Planning and Building Department by creating standardized procedures and modern administrative tools, which greatly improved service delivery and the quality of development projects.
Ranu holds a Master of Public Administration and Master of Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Colorado. Attending the Fall Meeting gives him the opportunity to stay current on national best practices so he may integrate those lessons into his local executive public sector work to facilitate quality investment that is compatible with the community’s vision.