Abe Farkas
President, The Farkas Group, LLC
Portland, OR
Abe Farkas, President of The Farkas Group, has over three decades of experience in crafting and implementing sustainable redevelopment and economic development strategies utilizing public-private partnerships to improve downtowns, neighborhoods, business districts, and institutional facilities.
Through collaboration and innovation, Abe has been instrumental in assisting public and private clients in cities throughout the country. Many of these developments have achieved high level sustainability certifications and were recipients of national or international recognition.
Abe has served on numerous non-profit and professional boards and councils including the International Economic Development Council (former Board member) and the Urban Land Institute (Inner City and Public-Private Partnerships Councils). He has volunteered his time with the ULI and IEDC as well as the American Institute of Architects and the National League of Cities to provide technical assistance to cities across the country and internationally, and has given presentations on various urban, economic and sustainable development topics to communities and professional groups,