Local governments need to reevaluate the services they deliver to constituents—and identify other sources that could help provide them—in order to cope with ongoing fiscal distress, government [...]
Eight of the nation’s urban development and design leaders have joined the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership as 2011-2012 faculty members. The center, [...]
America’s central cities are using land use planning and economic development initiatives to improve the quality of life that cities can offer residents and businesses and to be more competitive [...]
If you can make it past rhetoric around healthcare, abortion, collective bargaining, and immigration, the November 8th election results tell a more cohesive and calming story about American’s [...]
Rose Fellowship Director Gideon Berger spoke at the Rail~Volution Conference on a panel discussion called Planning Policy Goals: Aligning Transit Investments and TOD Strategies
In April 2009, HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan spoke to the ULI Spring Council Forum in Atlanta; he stated that his administration’s goal was “to put the UD back in HUD,” and explained that HUD’s [...]
WASHINGTON (September 26, 2011) – The mayors of Kansas City, Oakland, Providence and Tampa, plus 12 additional local land use leaders from these cities, have been selected as the 2011-2012 class [...]
While community development is a typical goal for new transit lines, the urban context of a proposed alignment is integral to determining its potential for future real estate and economic [...]
Peter S. Rummell, principal of the Rummell Company in Jacksonville, Florida, has been selected as the incoming chairman of ULI. Rummell, a longtime ULI trustee and former chairman of the ULI [...]
The city of Houston, Texas, is taking critical first steps to deal with deteriorating multifamily housing developments, according to a panel of experts who visited in December as part of the ULI [...]