Jess Zimbabwe, a proponent for infill development with the Urban Land Institute in Washington, D.C., said the downturn in the region’s economy had a lot to do with dashing expectations of how [...]
WASHINGTON (March 14, 2013) – Three Urban Land Institute (ULI) Rose Center for Public Leadership fellows were among the five winners in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge. The mayors [...]
Rose Center faculty member Ignacio Bunster-Ossa, led a tour of the Wallace, Roberts, and Todd designed Georgetown Waterfront Park, for visiting public officials and business leaders from Indiana [...]
Austin is one of four U.S. cities chosen as part of an Urban Land Institute fellowship focusing on urban issues. The participating cities each chose a focus issue for a year-long study – and [...]
Hartford is one of four cities chosen for the Urban Land Institute's Rose Fellowship annual year-long program, which aims to create successful, long-term development plans. The city decided to [...]
Hartford Mayor Pedro E. Segarra and land planners from across the U.S. are touring the city's North End to develop concepts for redeveloping key sections of Albany Avenue. Segarra said Thursday [...]
Visiting fellows from the Urban Land Institute have laid out plans for improving Louisville’s Fourth Street corridor and say the city should focus efforts first on the area they call SoBro — [...]
This is a segment from the March 2012 episode of the program "Spotlight Tampa" on City of Tampa Television (CTTV) about Mayor Bob Buckhorn and the city's experience in the Rose Fellowship program.
As cities adapt to globalization and the information age, they also must transform their land use, Henry Cisneros, executive chairman of CityView, a Los Angeles–based investment firm focused on [...]
The ULI Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership awarded 97 scholarships to public officials to attend the 2012 Fall Meeting in Denver next week. Thanks to a third year of generous support from [...]