The future for the Blaisdell complex

“How do we take what the Blaisdell set in the ground in 1964, 50 years ago, and take it for the next 50 or 100 years?" Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell asked that question to the Urban Land Institute [...]

Don’t overbuild Blaisdell complex

A quick glance at an aerial photo of the neighborhood makes it obvious that the revitalized “cultural corridor" that Mayor Kirk Caldwell envisions for urban Honolulu is no pie-in-the-sky idea. [...]

Portland Development Commission’s Patrick Quinton talks Indianapolis, ‘iconic projects,’ urban growth boundary (Q&A)

Portland Development Commission Executive Director Patrick Quinton represented Portland in Indianapolis last week. PBOT Director Leah Treat also traveled for the ULI fellowship.

ULI to Work with Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell in Crafting Redevelopment Strategies, Options for Blaisdell Center

This week the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use will begin a four-day study visit of the Blaisdell Center complex. The panel of land use experts will [...]

Panel to Outline a Redone Blaisdell

Mayor Kirk Caldwell is advancing an idea to redevelop Honolulu's aging Neal S. Blaisdell Center through a panel of consultants who will share their preliminary findings and recommendations at a [...]

No place for green space

The Blaisdell plan is in the very early stages, boosted by a panel from the nonprofit Urban Land Institute's Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership. The panel is advising the city, free of [...]