Mayor Kirk Caldwell is advancing an idea to redevelop Honolulu's aging Neal S. Blaisdell Center through a panel of consultants slated to share preliminary findings and recommendations at a [...]
A group affiliated with the Urban Land Institute, based in Washington, DC is Indianapolis this week to help the city find ways to attract new jobs. But the group's focus isn't on downtown. It's [...]
This week, the Urban Land Institute’s Rose Center for Public Leadership has sent experts in the fields of real estate, city planning, urban design and economic development — including me — to [...]
The Urban Land Institute (ULI) Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use arrives in Indianapolis this week for a four-day study visit of the Massachusetts Avenue/ Brookside Industrial [...]
Portland is a city that's often better known by the representations of it—like the television show Portlandia—than as an actual working, breathing city, but as Winston Churchill noted, "a joke is [...]
As the Central Eastside gains retailers, office users and residents, existing manufacturers and distributors are increasingly competing with pedestrians for street space. Now the city is joining [...]
A group of out-of town developers, city planners and chamber of commerce types thinks Portland's Central Eastside district is something special. The group lauded Portland for its land-use track [...]
PORTLAND (February 10, 2014) — The Urban Land Institute (ULI) Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use is in Portland this week working with Portland Mayor Charlie Hales and several [...]
Gabe Klein, the former transportation chief for the cities of Chicago and Washington, D.C. who is known for making cities less car-centric and more people-friendly, has been named a senior [...]
Thanks to Mayor A C Wharton’s fellowship in the Urban Land Institute’s Daniel Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use, Memphis last week was able to host a group of urban planners from [...]